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內容簡介: Offering all the key benefits of Inspiration to learners of American English plus a Student CD-ROM packaged with the Student's Book.
博客來網路書局Key FeaturesA Student’s Book
With eight units of four lessons each. Lessons 1-3 present language in context while inductive grammar sections guide students towards working out rules for themselves. Lesson 4 in each unit is an Integrated Skills lesson, practicing all four skills and promoting learner independence. It includes a useful Phrasebook.
博客來.Inspiration Extra! sessions which contain consolidation and extension exercises, making the course particularly suitable for mixed ability classes, as well as creative project work, songs, games, puzzles, tongue twisters and skits to act out
.Culture sections in every other unit which build cross-cultural awareness and encourage discussion, while Review lessons in even units offer opportunities for revision and self-assessment progress checks
博客來書店.A detailed Grammar Summary in the back of the boo博客來網路書店k, and a self-evaluation based on the Common European Framework of competencies
.A free Student's CD which includes? interactive vocabulary activities with audio, plus dictations where students listen and type and the computer corrects their answers
A Workbook.With exercises to consolidate language and structures, brainteasers, crosswords and extra activities
American Inspiration (1) Workbook破盤好物 好書推薦 博客來網路書店
- 新功能介紹 作者: Judy Garton-Sprenger、Philip Prowse
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2008/01/13
- 語言:英文
American Inspiration (1) Workbook破盤好物 評比 博客來網路書局
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American Inspiration (1) Workbook破盤好物